Vito Santoro

Mr. Santoro brings over 30 years of experience in international banking, management consulting and real estate. Mr. Santoro began his career with Andersen Consulting in Chicago. He then joined JP Morgan Investment Bank in New York and was later transferred to JP Morgan’s London office where he was responsible for developing the foreign exhange arbitrage trading business as well as fixed income derivatives marketing making in emerging markets. Mr. Santoro finished his time at JP Morgan assisting in the management of the Bank’s European balance sheet within the office of the CIO. After two years managing a multi-strategy fixed income portfolio at Bluecrest Capital Management, Mr. Santoro moved back to the U.S., returning to capital markets at hedge funds and investment banks in New York before joining a Florida based asset management firm as Investment Manager. Mr. Santoro received his Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Productivity Management from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.

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